Agnes Radiofrequency Laser
Multi-functional Skin Solver.
Agnes RF is a non-surgical radio frequency device that treats eye bags without having to go under the knife. It also tightens and removes unwanted weight from the jowl and neck area. Cystic acne can also be treated treated by removing the sebaceous (oil) gland which causes acne and blackheads.

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For Happy Clinic® Denver Agnes RF Laser
What is AGNES RF?
AGNES Radiofrequency (RF) has been FDA cleared in the United States since 2016. It was first created by Korean dermatologists to treat acne and minor skin lesions, but has now been used to successfully treat undereye bags as well as slim and contour the face with fat reduction and skin tightening. This is all done non-invasively with little downtime.
What conditions can AGNES RF treat?
The AGNES RF device was initially created to treat stubborn under eye bags often caused by aging or genetics. Over time, you lose collagen and elastin and the structure around your eyes becomes weak. Thankfully, you can banish under eye bags with the AGNES.
Can AGNES RF treatments improve any other cosmetic concerns?
It is a versatile device that can improve a variety of cosmetic concerns, including:
Puffy lower eyelid pads
Enlarged pores
Undereye bags
Sagging skin
Uneven skin texture
What are the advantages of the AGNES RF over Kybella?
Kybella is FDA approved to treat/kill submental (double chin) fat, but the drawback is the downtime of swelling and pain associated with the Kybella treatment. AGNES RF gives noticeable results even after 2 months without the prolonged downtime. Patients typically have minimal swelling which will last 2-3 days and results can be seen at 1 week post treatment.
The AGNES Radiofrequency (RF) device is truly revolutionary to my aesthetic filler practice. Before the AGNES RF, I could only add and augment, I really didn't have anything to take away or subtract volume in the face, and to be able to truly sculpt the face, you really also need the ability to subtract - and AGNES RF gives me that ability non-surgically, non-invasively, with minimal downtime and quick results.
How many treatments will I need?
Benefits from a single treatment may be permanent but this does not mean you can treat everything in a single treatment. 2 or 3 treatments may be needed to get the best result. Further treatments should be 3 to 6 months after the initial treatment, sooner (6 weeks) in the case of active acne. Results vary based on individual circumstances. To find out if Agnes RF is right for you, schedule a consultation with Happy Clinic®.

Your provider may give you further instructions specific to you.
Post-procedure for Denver Agnes RF Laser
What is the recovery time post Agnes RF treatment?
For acne, syringomas and blackheads, the side effects are mild redness for 1-3 days. This can usually be covered with some foundation or tinted moisturizer. No specific aftercare is needed for these procedures.
What is the recovery time post Agnes RF treatment: for deep lines and eye bags?
For deep lines and eye bags the downtime is between 3-7 days with possible swelling and redness followed by another week of less severe redness. It is possible to do lighter treatments with less downtime but more treatments may be needed. The redness and swelling may be concealed by foundation at day 4. Sometimes with heavy treatments, numbness and hypersensitivity may be experienced for up to 4 weeks.
Are there any after care recommendations for deep lines and eye bags?
Immediately after the procedure for eye bags and deep wrinkles, the surface of the skin will be pink and sensitive for 3-10 days depending on the depth. Some bruising is common also. Ice may be applied every half hour to reduce discomfort and minimize swelling.
How long does it take for improvement?
For deep wrinkles and eye bags, about 1-2 weeks after you have mostly recovered, the area may actually look “worse” than it did before the procedure, which is normal. Most of the benefit appears over the coming months as new collagen is deposited under the skin and the skin begins to remodel its structure. For the treatment of eye bags, it will take 2-6 months for the fat cells to be removed by the body’s macrophages.For acne, comedones, blackheads, and syringiomas the benefits may be within a few weeks. Similarly to wrinkles it may take up to 6 months to complete remodeling and remove damaged tissue.